Home Safety:
RADON, lead & Other environmental hazard Safety
Have you had your home tested in the last two years?
It is the 2nd leading cause of lung cancer, second only to smoking.
If you find elevated radon, mitigation is usually around $1500-2500
Illinois recently passed a law that will take effect on January 1st, 2024 that allows tenants to test for radon and requires landlords to mitigate within 60 days or the tenant may cancel their lease (See Illinois General Assembly Website).
Illinois Department of Public Health Radon Information
Illinois Emergency Management Agency (IEMA) Radon Information
IEMA Radon Testing Guidelines for Real Estate Brochure
Local Resources for Radon Testing & Mitigation:
Steve Reilly - Owl Inspection Services (Radon Testing)
630-248-6500 | owlinspection@comcast.net
VSI Radon Reduction (Radon Testing & Mitigation)
1-800-SOIL GAS (1-800-764-5427) | radongas.com
SWAT Environmental (Radon Testing & Mitigation)
1-800-NO-RADON (1-800-667-2366) | swat-radon.com
Lead can be found in paint, drinking water, soil, and even air.
Children and pregnant women are most at risk for lead poisoning from common lead sources, but other adults can also be harmed from exposure to lead.
Simple ways to combat lead exposure:
Run your kitchen faucet for 8 minutes each morning to flush the line.
Use a water filter that filters out lead and other contaminants.
Inspect and maintain all painted surfaces to prevent paint deterioration.
Address water damage quickly and completely.
Keep your home clean and dust-free.
Illinois Department of Public Health Lead Information
City of Chicago Lead Service Line Replacement Program:
Homeowners who meet income requirements may be eligible for a completely free full lead service line replacement! Click the link below for more information.
If you have questions about environmental hazards we recommend:
Brian Bussey - Bussey Environmental Inc.
(Mold, Air Quality, Lead Paint, Radon Inspections)
847-492-1465 | brianbussey@BusseyEnv.com | www.busseyenv.com