Home Safety Tips:
Window Safety

We’ve put together a list of tips and resources to help keep
yourself, your home, and your family safe.
Window Covering Safety:
Blinds, shades, or drapery with cords or cables can be an entanglement or strangulation risk for children.
The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission calls corded window coverings one of the top five hidden hazards in American homes (https://windowcoverings.org/).
Retrofit or install new safer cordless window treatments that comply with a new safety standard for "stock" window covering products sold in the United States.
Move all cribs, beds, furniture and toys away from windows and window covering cords, preferably to another wall.
Visit the Window Covering Safety Council for More Information
Window Fall Prevention:
Supervise children playing near any windows, and keep all windows closed and locked when children are around.
Don’t rely on insect screens to prevent a window fall. Insect screens are designed to keep bugs out, not to keep children in the home.
Install ASTM F2090 compliant devices designed to limit how far a window will open or window guards to help prevent a fall. Compliant devices come with quick-release mechanisms in case of a need to escape due to a fire or other emergency.